Friday, December 25, 2009
Greeings from the Sunshine State!
Merry Christmas!
-Dining Diva
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Santa Delivered
Remember when holiday time was relaxing and all you had to do was wake up early Christmas morning and see what Santa brought you?! Don't get me wrong; I love shopping for Christmas gifts and wrapping them and making Christmas cookies (and eating them), but for some reason, I haven't had a chance to stop and enjoy a warm crackling fire place and/or bake any cookies. And I'm leaving in the morning for Florida. I still need to clean and pack, but once I get there, I am looking forward to just relaxing and running on the beach and listening to the waves crash. But everything just feels so rushed.
We did Christmas with my grandparents this weekend. It was nice. I really have the greatest grandparents. They are so gracious and loving. I can't imagine my life without them. Actually, it was a little sad because for the first time EVER, my grampy wrote out our Christmas cards. My grandma ALWAYS has done that and had her cards done months in advance. That was just a tell-tale sign that she is getting older and suffering from a few things including slight forgetfulness. I'm glad she was there to celebrate with us and I'll keep this Christmas card forever because it was so special to get it with my grandpas's handwriting; but still sad that my grandma wasn't up to it. But I think it's so sweet that my grandpas stepped up and helped my grandpa and ensured that the cards were ready to go. They have been married for 65+ years and you can tell. I just love them.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Traveling Suitecase
So my suitcase has been packed and unpacked quite a bit lately. My trip with the BF to New Hampshire and Boston was super fun. His interview actually went really well and he'll find out if he is offered the job in the next few weeks. Either way, it's a win-win situation. The experience really opened his eyes and let him see the kind of work experience he deserves to have and will have one day. If he does get it, then he has to figure out if moving to NH is in the life plan. We'll see what happens. The town we stayed at was very cute and a perfect winter holiday town. The trees along main street sparkled with white lights and the shops and restaurants were all really cute. We hit up a very fun mexican restaurant and enjoyed some delicious margaritas and other yummies. Saturday we drove in to Boston and stayed at a great hotel in Copley Square. We did the bus tour around the city and got on and off at quite a few stops. Enjoyed some munchies and beer at the orginial Cheers bar and shopped some more. Our dinner was at Atlantic Fish and it was AMAZING! We had their sangria, which was much different than any version we've had before. It was strong and delicious! We also had an amazing meal complete with freshly baked and warm bread, lobster, filet, blackened sea bass, asparagus, green beans, mashed potatoes and more. Oh! We also had to wait until 9 p.m. for our dinner reservation, but we were hungry at 7 p.m. So what did we do? Only the best thing ever - peanut butter cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory for our appetizer! Delicious. So it's to the hotel gym for me right now...because next week I leave for Florida with my parents. My sister is actually coming now too. I never would have thought that would be happening.
Well have a good night and wish me luck for tomorrow morning!
-Dining Diva
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Off We Go
I did get my mom a really cool wine holder and some wine glasses at Pier 1 yesterday. It looks like a giant tree and I think she'll really like it! I love finding coupons through Google for all the stores I'm shopping at for presents! Every $10 off of $50 goes a long way! I know this weekend is Friends and Family at Lord & Taylor and I'm thinking I might swing by the mall tonight in between excerise and packing! :o)
I'm also in the middle of a giant scrapbooking project and this is my first time. Anyone with any advice on how to add some pizzaz to the book would be welcome!
Have a great weekend!
-Dining Diva
Did I make that?!
Here's the recipe:
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Coat a glass baking dish with non-stick cooking spray
3. Take one peice of chicken and season both sides with salt and pepper. Lay flat and spread a thin layer of herbed goat cheese on the chicken.
4. Spread a thin layer of spinach on top of the goat cheese. Drizzle a small amount of olive oil on top of the spinach and season with salt and pepper. Start at one side of the chicken filet and roll it up. Secure with tooth pick and place in baking dish.
5. Repeat for rest of chicken filets. Drizzle the rolled up chicken with olive oil. and sprinkle with dried rosemary and garlic salt.
6. Bake for 25-30 minutes.
You'll enjoy it!
-Dining Diva
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wine + Dinner + Conversation = Relief
She said she was sorry and never wants to let something like this happen again. She said she is going to try to give up being stubborn for her New Year's Resolution. I am so happy that she said she is very sorry that she has been acting like this and that she hurt me. I can't tell you what a relief this is for me and how happy I will be to have my sister back.
We had some wine and I relaxed and told her how I felt. She listened and agreed with me. Said she was sorry. I told her I accept her apology and just want to move forward. So does she. I feel better.
Then we changed the subject and enjoyed a nice dinner together. We talked about my grandpa's birthday this weekend and what we could do to celebrate.
I'm happy.
Then the BF came over to get the blow by blow report of my dinner. He's such a good listener. I love him.
I'm happy tomorrow is Friday! We have my grandpa's birthday party at my apartment on Saturday and then his work Christmas party Saturday night. We have lots of fun stuff going on this month! I'm feeling very blessed today.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Meeting
I am not one to look for confrontation and I do not enjoy being upset with others. I try to forgive and move on because when it comes down to it, life is just too short. Plus, the fact that she is my sister makes me want to fix our troubled relationship.
So just recently, my sister has started talking with my parents again. (My parents continued to try to fix their relationship with her since the whole situation started. She ignored them.)
Do you see why I'm anxiously awaiting tonight's meeting?
I'd rather just kiss and make up and move on. But she needs to apologize. I don't know if she's capable of that.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Holiday Update
I need to get a camera very badly so I can take pictures of everything and then post them on here for you to enjoy. I'm pretty sure that you would all enjoy my cut-out Thanksgiving cookies that I made. I was really happy with how they turned out and the icing I made was delicious, too! Actually, the BF's family all seemed to enjoy them, as well. I personalized a few of them with some of his family members' initials. (Basically, I was having too much fun with the little frosting tips.) I found the recipe from another blog and if I find it, I'll share it with you all. I think I'll be making some more for future holidays. . . and letting the frosting sit in the fridge overnight really added to the cookies! It was really easy to roll out the dough and use the cookie cutters.
The trip to the BF's aunt and uncle's house went smoothly. We drove to his parent's house and loaded into their minivan for a four hour road trip. I'm glad his sister came because I really enjoying talking with her. Her mom brought some materials to make pot holders and that added to our road trip.
His family is really nice. The food was delicious. They live on quite a bit of farmland and actually raised and killed the 30-pound turkey that we enjoyed. It was probably the freshest turkey I've ever had. His cousin also came and brought his girlfriend. They've actually only been dating for under one month, but seem madly in love. They met on and she was pretty embarrassed to say that. It was funny because I also met my BF via online dating (, so I totally understood her apprehension to mention how they met. And to top it off, his other cousin who lives in VA met her current boyfriend through online dating. So I'm not the only one! I just thought that was kind of funny.
Not too much more to report on Thanksgiving. I went to my parent's house yesterday and took their Christmas tree and put it up in my apartment. It looks so pretty and big with sparkling white lights. My parent's didn't really mind and since we're leaving for Florida in three weeks, they probably wouldn't have put the tree up anyway.
Yesterday was my best friend's birthday so we went out Friday night to celebrate. It was fun and actually like the first time I've went out to the bars in our city for quite awhile. It really seems to bother her and my roommate that I am not a huge party animal anymore, but I'm fine with that. But it's slightly annoying that they give me indirect attitude about it. I've just been traveling and doing other things the past year versus spending lots of money and calories on alcohol. I am sick of defending myself, actually.
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are ready for Christmas. I need to start shopping!
-Dining Diva
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Road Trip for Thanksgiving
Just a few more hours in the work day and then it's two days off and lots of food, family, and friends! (I probably shouldn't be listing food first, how should I. . .).
This Thanksgiving will be a little different than in other years. I'm actually going with TK's family (mom, dad, sister) to his mom's sister's house in PA. I think it will be about a 4.5 hour drive and we're leaving around 9 tomorrow morning. This will be my first time meeting some of his extended family. I hope they like me and the desserts I'm bringing. And hopefully, my experience is nothing like "Poor Rob's." Read this to know what I'm talking about. Thanksgiving at my house usually involves me in expandable pants. . . I probably shouldn't unbotton my pants and serve myself thirds at the BF's family, should I?
Typically I like going back home to my little town and going out with all the people back in town for the Holiday at our local bar. THAT won't be happening because I'll be in the kitchen tonight. I had planned to bake my contributions last night, but that didn't happen because out of all the very important ingredients I had to pick up at the grocerey story last night at 8 p.m., I forgot a few of the BIGGIES. 1. Electric mixer, 2. rolling pin, 3. wax paper.
So instead of hitting the gym tonight after work, I'll be be burning things in my kitchen.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
-Dining Diva
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Lights on the Lake
It's a four-mile walk to see all of the light displays.
Good thing for the distance because afterwards, we went to a local restaurant for dinner. The bf wanted Snickers cheesecake for dessert, but the waitress broke the news that the restaurant was sold out of the tasty treat. (God's first attempt to let us know we did not need dessert). So we leave and make our way to Friendly's for a sundae. After standing in line by the door for a good ten minutes and not being greeted or acknowledged by the staff, we left. (God's second attempt to let us know it's just a Monday night on Thanksgiving week; a time to be working out at the gym in preparation for the upcoming all-you-can-eat turkey buffet). So it's around 10 p.m. on a Monday night by now. I mentioned the brilliant fact that just across the street at McDonald's we can get ourselves a hot fudge sundae for just $1! What a steal, right?! So that's what we did. . .
This morning I woke up with a food hangover. (God's little way of letting me know I should have listened to him last night).
Minus the unneccessary hunt for dessert, it was a very fun night!
On tonight's agenda: exercise and baking. I'm going to try and make sugar cookies tonight with my Thanksgiving cut-outs and then frost them tomorrow.
Have a great night!
-Dining Diva
Monday, November 23, 2009
Wonderful Weekend; Short Week Ahead
Overall, it was a nice weekend. I got to spend quite a bit of time with my best friend and her boyfriend and my BF so that was nice. (She's a nurse and works every other weekend, so that makes doing things together kind of a pain in the butt.)
Friday: Came home from work and exercised at my gym for a good amount of time. Quickly showered and dressed. Went to the BF's place and met up with my best friend and her bf and we all went and saw New Moon! That was an experience. I should have brought a camera so I could take a picture of the hundreds of girls wrapping around and around the mall movie complex in a giant line. It was craziness. They had the movie playing every half hour and the tickets were sold out. Luckily, my friend ordered tickets in advance. I must say, our men were good sports because they had to miss the end of a very good college basketball game on TV to make it to the movie in time. Also, it's not like they really wanted to be standing in an overwhelming amount of teenage girls freaking out over this movie. :o) But it all worked out and I think they liked it. I thought it was good; the books are so much better though.
Saturday: Slept in! It was nice. Went to the gym and then went grocery shopping. My friend and I made dinner for our boyfriends and we drank beer/wine and watched football with all intention of going "out." Our journey downtown to the bars never happened, but I was fine with that; I think we all were full and lazy. What was for dinner you ask:
-Beef roll-ups (Take thickly sliced roast beef deli meat, stuff with stuffing and pour gravy over the roll-ups in a baking dish. tooth pick hold the beef roll-up together. Bake for 30 minutes.)
-Green bean casserole
-Garlic mashed potatoes
-Rye bread and dill dip boat
**We had so much food; I wish I would have been thinking and called Miss. Sass to come over for dinner, too!**
Sunday: Went for a walk at a local park with the bf, ate at Quaker Steak & Lube with his friends, met my parents at some local shops, bought icing tips and frosting for my Thanksgiving Sugar Cookies that I'm bringing for Thanksgiving, Went to BF's parent's house for dinner, walked at park, organized bills!
Nothing too exciting, but it was a good weekend!
Just three days of work and then I'm going to PA with the BF and his family for Thanksgiving. I'm excited!
Have a great Monday!
-Dining Diva
Thanks, Mrs. Bear!
-Dining Diva
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Shake n Bake
After the gym I got back to my apartment and wrote on Thanksgiving cards. In the meantime, I got out some frozen chicken and put it in a pan with some olive oil. I covered the pan and put it on low heat and just let it slowly cook. After awhile I put some light mayo on the chicken and then poured on some shake n bake. I poured in a good portion of frozen broccoli and kept it slowly cooking. In another pot, I boiled some water and threw in some Uncle Ben's rice in a bag. Nothing too complicated, but in the end I had a healthy and delicious dinner. I was happy. I had a sugar free chocolate pudding for dessert and then flopped on my bed and got reading. I already love New Moon. I didn't get that far though - just like 80 pages. Right now, Edward left and Bella was found in the woods. I can't wait to get back to reading.
Have a great day party people!
-Dining Diva
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Better Get Reading!
So it's a little gym time for me and the food and book. That sounds pretty good.
It's been a BUSY day at work and I'm ready to say see ya! I did get to do a nice power walk during my lunch break today with a friendly co-worker. It was sunny and beautiful outside. I love nice weather.
Have a great night!
-Dining Diva
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Clean Teeth
Have a happy Tuesday evening.
-Dining Diva
Friday, November 13, 2009
A Lunch Full of Friendship
So for lunch one of my bestest friends from elementary school thru now met me at work and we walked to a cute sandwich shop for lunch and gossip. She had much to fill me in on. (She is a ab-fab source of local news.) So we chatted and talked about her wedding plans and how she is dealing with being away from her fiancee (he is in the Air Force and just left for his station in Texas). But it was so nice to see her and I just love her dearly.
Have a good weekend.
Dining diva!
Note to self: Add Flavor
I cooked the chicken and rice and set aside. In a large sauce pan I melted butter (I used "I Can't Believe it's Not Butter") and then added diced mushrooms and some rosemary seasoning. Then I added .5 cup of flour and stirred. Then I had to stir in chicken broth (I used the less sodium kind) and half n half. (Right there was the problem. That made it a very fattening dish and I didn't realize I would be adding that much. I wish that I would have added a can of cream of mushroom soup, instead.) So then you let it thicken up and add the chicken and rice. Pour in a 9x13 baking pan. On top add a mixture of bread crumbs and shredded parmigiana cheese and butter. Bake for 30 minutes. (Sounds pretty good, right?) Well, it had NO flavor. I was sad. I also didn't make the garlic mashed because the dish already had rice in it. I did make squash. ( I wish I would have known the BF doesn't like squash!) And a fresh tossed salad and fresh and hot Italian bread.
It sounded good but was heavy and not very flavorful. Also, I didn't have time to go to the gym. How do people who have to put a meal on the table for their families after work get to exercise?! (Probably wake up extra early in the morning.) I would rather exercise and have bowl of cereal with bananas.
I will not be defeated in the kitchen, however! I think I might try to make some chili in the slow cooker this weekend.
On to tonight - I have two tickets to a Gala event that features local foods, wines, and beers from across New York State. The tickets allow access to all you can eat and drink. It should be a good time.
-Dining Diva
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Super Sun
So I went grocery shopping last night to pick up the items I need for tonights dinner and wouldn't you know I left the recipe on my desk at work! What an idiot! I did remember most of the ingredients, but did forget a few so I'll have to pick those up tonight.
I'm making Chicken Rice Casserole. It actually sounds pretty tasty. I plan on making garlic mashed potatoes and squash as my sides. Wine with the meal AND for dessert. :o)
Have a great day!
-Dining Diva
P.S. Can anyone tell me where the spellcheck went on the edit options?!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Dinner Date - What to make?
-Dining Diva
Monday, November 9, 2009
My Love Muffin
"Time flys when you're having fun."That's so true, isn't it? It's been a year since my first date with my lovely BF and it has really happened fast. We were able to do so many fun things together this year and travel to quite a few new places together. Here is a list of my top moments with my muffin this year.
1. Our summer vacation to Cape May, NJ
2. Trip out west to Lake Tahoe and the train ride to San Francisco
3. Our family Florida trips
4. Spending winter weekends snuggled on the coach watching movies
5. Boating this summer
6. Memorial Day Weekend with my best-friend blones and their boyfriends at my parent's house
7. Bike Rides
8. Making dinner together, especially the lasagna night with lots of drinks and dancing
9. Dinner at the Braeloch with a crackling fire and acousitc live music
10. When he told me he loved me. Aww. . . (p.s. please excuse this lovey dovey, mushy posting. It's really not like me at all. But I think it's safe to say that you say and do crazy things when you're in love.)
So this past weekend we both took a half-day on Friday and drove around one of the local Finger Lakes and did some wine tastings. Then we continued on to meet some of his friends from dental school for dinner and drinks. We stayed at their house and played Cranium and just had fun. It was great to meet some of his friends and also a really good time.
We went to my parent's house yesterday to show off my new car to my dad and grandparents. (My mom had already seen it). I did some laundry, had some home-cooked food, played with Bella (my sister's adorable little puppy), and enjoyed a beautifully warm and sunny day on the lake. The sunset was breath taking. I should have taken a picture.
Tonight I need to exercise and pick out a recipe to make for the bf some night this week. Any tasty meal ideas to suggest for a novice in the kitchen?
-Dining Diva
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thankful Thursday
1. Loving family nearby
2. TK - Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of our first date and the first time we officially met. I don't think I've mentioned before that we met on I know, you're probably thinking we're both pathetic losers. I use to think that way to. But it was the best thing I did last year (join I was in a funk and he was back in the area after being away for five years. Maybe we'll be the cool people on a commercial one day! :)
3. 1/2 day of work tomorrow and it's Friday
4. Going out to eat with my parents and TK last night at the restaurant I spent close to 10 years waitressing at to pay the bills through high school and college. I ate WAY TOO MANY crispy french fries dipped in ranch dressing. But it was soo good! And it's a seasonal restaurant and closing this weekend. So I got my fill for the next few months.
5. My fabulous girlfriends (all four are followers of my blog! Thanks ladies! (Sass, Ka., Ke., JT) So that means only six people have actually joined my blog because they wanted to. . .I need to sass this blog of mine up for your reading pleasure!)
6. Holiday music and decorations at the mall already
7. My new car and its XM radio
8. Losing a few pounds (I'll need to get back on the scale after my meal last night!)
9. Home cooked meals
10. All of my travels this year. Lake Tahoe, NV is by far my favorite spot I went to with Cape May, NJ right behind.
~Dining Diva
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
-Dining Diva
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wizard of Oz @ Work
I didn't dress up but I have black outfit on and orange headband. I didn't really have anything to contribute today. Plus, I'm totally not feeling like a team player at work because our budget has been slashed and I'm sure there are going to be layoffs, and it's just a blah kind of mood at work right now. Our management team is sucking it up with their ability to communicate with the staff and it's just bad.
We basically drank our dinner because they have this awesome raspberry lemonade alcoholic beverage that is delicious. The BF is kind of annoyed about his current job situation, as am I. So we drank and chatted. Our food wasn't that good. I think you should just go with pizza when eating there. Not steak or chicken. Duh! I should have known that. But the job stuff is difficult because neither of us really love where we live, however, our family is here. Moving is not out of the question.
Thank God it's Friday!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Date Night
We are going to go grab some dinner somewhere and then go to the movies. What movie you ask? I don’t know. I actually never go to the movies and don’t really have the attention span or interest to sit through an entire movie for that matter. But that’s what the BF wants to do. I’ll let you know what movie we see and how it is.
This week has draggggged by. Thank God it’s Friday tomorrow. Then I can rock out in my sexy Bat Girl costume. The BF is going to be Batman. I actually am not a huge fan of Halloween (hence my decision not to dress up at work tomorrow while everyone else does) but it’s just not my thing. But I will be going out Saturday night to have some much needed fun.
I’m really trying to step it up on my Blog. I’ve been doing it since March and only have nine friends! :( That’s pretty pathetic. Hopefully I’ll get some more soon! But I do appreciate all nine of my friends. Thanks for reading and your comments!
Have a good night!
-Dining Diva
My New Ride!
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm Alive!
So then Saturday the BF and I went to a SU football game at the Carrier Dome. It was pretty fun. Our seats were awesome, right on the 50-yard line, three rows up from the bottom. Besides the guy behind me spilling beer down my back, it was a great time! Then we went to the Outback for some food. I try not to eat at chain restaurants, just because there are so many great local choices to choose from, but I do love the Outback. For just $9.95 you can have a 6 oz steak and two sides! I had a a sweet potato and a house salad. Mmm! It was good. Also, margaritas are just $3.50! Hello! I had a frozen pomegranite one and it was delicious.
Sunday I went to my parents to do laundry and say hello. (I still bring my laundry to my parent's house, even though I have a laundry facility at my apartment. It's pathetic, I know.) That's when I went for the walk with Bella and mom. Afterwards, I drove back to the city and met the BF at his parents house for dinner. I hadn't seen his family in over a month, so it was nice to catch up. His mom is like Susie Homemaker and made a Thanksgiving meal, pretty much, and a delicous apple pie. I have no chance in the kitchen. I would like to bring something to dinner some time, but I am so handicapped in the kitchen and don't know what to bring. And his mom and sister are both talented cooks/bakers and then there's me.
So that was my weekend and tonight I am going to pick up my new Toyota Rav4! I am so excited. I have been waiting for it to come in, as I wanted a black one and they had to locate it for me. So I will be saying, "goodbye!" to my Florida Jeep and hello to my AWD SUV. I'm sick of getting stuck in the snow. It's hard to believe I lived in Florida and was so unhappy in my apartment with my crazy x-bf. I'm so much happier now, but I never knew that I could be. It's funny how life works out. And it's just getting started, I'm sure.
Happy Monday!
-Dining Diva
Friday, October 23, 2009
Well, Hello, Weekend!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Seasonal Sickness
It stinks not to like your job because it is a place where you spend A LOT OF TIME. Which brings me to my next point. I don't really want to work at 8-5 job for the rest of my life. I'll miss out on so much if I'm always at work. Too bad I need the money. But one day I would like to have a family and then I really don't want to work 8-5. My mom always worked part-time and I thought that was normal. I'm so sad to find out it's not. I see many more work days in my future. :o( If only I could be an independent entrepreneur!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Hello Heat, Sand, Ocean, Palm Trees, Bike Riding. . .
Friday, October 2, 2009
Bad Blogger
Here's a snapshot into my current life:
1. I'm car shopping. What a pain! I am totally car-stupid and don't like feeling that way. I believe that I have narrowed down my search to a Nissan Rogue, Toyota Rav4 or a Honda CRV. I have not decided upon new/used, buy/lease. So many decisions to be made. And I'm poor. Well, I will be once I make this purchase. I do have someone looking at my rear-wheel drive (NOT GOOD IN CNY WINTERS) Jeep this weekend. So I hope he wants it!
2. I'm going home to my hometown for homecoming this weekend. My parents and I are running in a 5K road race in the morning. Mind you, I haven't been running at all lately. It should be fun.
3. My pants seem to be fitting a little loosely lately, which is actually quite exciting! I am not sure what the reasoning is behind this, but I hope it keeps happening. All I can think of is that it has something to do with this new medicine I have to take because now I have been diagnosed with ULCERATIVE COLITIS. How fortunate, I know.
4. I bought this gorgeous bracelet and necklace in California on my recent vacation and it broke. I had to send it back and I just got a new one and I am even more in love with it than I was before. Actually, a lady at work fell in love with it today and I gave her the stores name and she called and just bought one for herself. I think I should get some free jewelery for that.
5. I'm going to my parent's house in Clearwater Beach, Florida next Friday - Monday with my BF and parents. I'm looking forward to that because the weather right now is already kicking in my annual seasonal depression.
Have a great weekend!
-Dining Diva
Friday, September 18, 2009
Happy Birthday, Mom!
And TGIF! Seriously. This has been an insanely busy week at work and my eyes are tired of typing away at my computer. I have written SO much this week and put together everything for a few upcoming press conferences and stuff like that. I enjoy it, but it's kind of stressful! Oh and in the middle of all of the craziness, the assistant of the president of our company came to me to ask if I would write the "President's Perspective" this week, because she (the prez) wasn't happy with what her communications people came up with. HELLO PRESSURE. I really didn't want to do it - but I did. And actually the prez herself ( I didn't even know she knew my name...) came over to my office to say thank you and that she didn't change anything and that I'm a great writer! Wow. That was pretty exciting, I'm not going to lie. So that was a good way to end my week! But I'm still sick of typing on my computer - hence my lack of blogging.
My dad's taking the docks out this weekend. :o( That means the boating season has ended. And the dreaded anticipation of shitty weather is nearing. Fortunately, I love fall and that will come before the freezing temps and snow.
Also - I want to go to the outlet mall this weekend to shop for some new fall clothing and bring my mom for a girls' day! And I need to buy a new car!
I test drove a Jetta and Nissan Rogue this week and went to get my Jeep checked out today to find out the trade-in value. But the sales guy kind of pissed me off. I felt like a.)he didn't really respect me, b.)didn't call me by name OR shake my hand c.)wouldn't tell me the trade-in value because he is a jerk car salesman So I don't know what to do. Car shopping is a royal pain.
Have a good weekend! I'm so glad it is almost here!!!
-Dining Diva
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Travels with TK
Friday, August 28, 2009
Packing and Prep: Excited!
Today I have a major FOOD HANGOVER. I had to work at the State Fair yesterday and then afterwards, I went with my roomie all around the fairgrounds to consume everything that was delicious and drink wine slush's. Mmmm! We had giant steak sandwiches smothered in fried onions and mushrooms, along with french fries covered in cheddar cheese. Holy heart attack! But it was amazing. I never let myself eat THAT bad...and boy was it amazing! Then we had a foot-long fried dough each. My personal favorite food at the fair. Then we had the legendary $.25 chocolate milk. Then a sangria wine slushy. Later on, (I know, I know...why didn't I just stop!) we each had an amazing chicken gyro. She also had Greek fries which I had a few. Those were awesome! I have never had Greek fries before, have you? Then we kept walking around and were able to totally enjoy the FREE Sara Evans concert! So good. She is beautiful. And her two sisters are backup singers and her brother plays the bass guitar. How cool is that?! Then after all of our singing and dancing, we thought, why not end the day with a hot fudge sundae, complete with vanilla custard ice cream?! Oh yea. I like to tell myself that the calories don't count at the fair; hence, my food hangover. I would like to add that I was at the fair from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. So it's not like I shoved my face in just a few hours, I did it all within 12 hours. Hello exercise, I will see you tonight.
Also tonight, I need to PACK! It's hard to know what to bring because it sounds like the temperatures will really fluctuate in both Tahoe and SF. I hope my suitcase can handle the pressure!
Ok, back to work.
-Dining Diva
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Travel - How I Love You. . .
Just two more days of work (and I'm out of the office all day tomorrow) and then I leave bright and early (with BF) for Lake Tahoe and San Francisco!
I'll be in LT for a conference and my boss will be coming too. So the BF will do his own thing and then I'll be ready to hit the road to CA once the conference is over with. We decided on Amtrak for transportation to SF and I'm kind of excited about that. So that will def. be less expensive than our $600 rental car. There was no way around the one-way rental fee and I didn't want to give in. But no car will actually work well, then we can do all of the day trips and not feel bad that we aren't using our car. So. . .I have to get our tickets, but I did Priceline our hotel (Thanks for teaching me about that Ka.) and we have a fabulous hotel for just $85/night! That is amazing.
So then we'll fly back home and have Labor Day to relax and then it's back to work to face my giant to-do list.
Also, upon our return, it will soon be BF's 30th birthday!!! So that is something to celebrate and I need to get on top of that, too.
In preparation of my trip, I got a pedi and mani on lunch today. But the shoes I had on totally messed up my pedi (because I didn't wait long enough for them to dry) and I messed up my mani, slightly. So that was dumb, but hopefully no one will be able to tell.
So tonight our office is having happy hour for our departing intern, but I am not going to go. Too much to do and not enough time. I hope to exercise and start packing. The attire for our conference is "resort casual" what the heck is that?
OK, have a great day!
-Dining Diva
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Rolling with Royalty
Also, I have been having a bad ear ache for a week now and am taking ear drops and they are just not doing the trick. So I am sitting here in pain and can't hear out of my one ear. It's driving me crazy.
In other news, the weather here has finally been great and last week I took a few days off and just spend the entire time at my parent's lake house. The BF came over, too. It was hot and relaxing!
Not too much else is going on. Just busy at work and looking forward to a trip to Lake Tahoe and San Francisco in about a week. The BF is coming with me. I'm excited! I have a lot of planning to do though, such as travel routes, hotels, places to see, etc... I'll be at a conference for work for a few days and then we are going to drive west to Napa Valley and then end at San Francisco. I'm trying to get a rental car from Lake Tahoe airport to SF airport and for one week it's about $600!!! That's more than my flight! So I am still looking for a better deal. Apparently, one-way tickets are much more expensive. What a pain. But I'm still going out and excited to have BF come with me!
Bye bye!
-Dining Diva
Here are a few pictures: I was going to take a picture of the gorgeous bathroom, but I figured there must have been video cameras in there. But the interior was so beautiful. When you walk in, the entrance was hot pink. Love it!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Two Engagements in One Week!
...on to more boring things...
This week at work has be super stressful. I found out on Monday that I would have to host a travel writer and her crazy six-year-old son...the whole thing was a pain and a lot of planning and requests...and it worked out, but not without being a total pain in the butt.
Then last night I relaxed at our company clam bake. It was quite the party and I think I consumed too much alcohol. But it was so much fun. Actually, I am car-less at work today because I had to leave my car there. But my co-workers and I danced up a storm. It was probably slightly unprofessional, but the boss was dancing with us. So then, that made this morning extra lovely. But no time to complain because we held a taxicab car wash today to thank our drivers for their hospitality. I also had to hold a press conference during the event, which turned out great. We had awesome media coverage and I can't wait to watch the news and read the newspaper tonight!
So I need to exercise badly and I just want to relax. Thank goodness the weekend is here!
Congratulations, Grace, again on the big proposal. I'm so happy it happened and there is nothing else to worry about.
Have a great weekend!
-Dining Diva
Monday, August 3, 2009

I know I am slightly a loser, but I just got the DVD's from my Canadian media interviews for work and I thought I'd share a screen shot. It's the closest I'll get to using my broadcast journalism degree! Too bad they didn't show my shoes, because I must admit, they were very fabulous. It's almost 5 o'clock! Thank the Lord!
Congrats, Kara!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Hola Weekend!
Ok, well have a great weekend!
-Dining Diva
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Love these Lyrics
I miss the sound of your voice
And I miss the rush of your skin
And I miss the still of the silence
As you breathe out and I breathe in
If I could walk on water, If could tell you what’s next
Make you believe, make you forget
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire in the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire in the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love
& I miss the sound of your voice
The loudest thing in my head
And I ache to remember
All the violent, sweet,perfect words that you said
If I could walk on water, if i could tell you what’s next,make you believe, make you forget
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire in the swing of your hips
Just to pull me down hard
And drown me in love
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire in the swing of your hips
Just to pull me down hard
And drown me in love
I miss the pull of your heart
I can taste the sparks on your tongue
I see angels and devils
Come on, get higher'
Cause everything works love
Everything works in your arms
Oh baby - I'm out of shape!
I'm sitting here typing and thinking about how much my back and butt are aching! ha Last night I showed up at an indoor center (so hot inside with no air conditioning and 90 degrees outside, but that is beside the point!) for some adult field hockey. HOLY HELL. I did not realize what I was getting myself into. I found my field hockey sticks from high school (about seven years ago!) at my parent's house over the weekend and got the desire to play. So I show up to see all of these girls that play or played DI hockey in college. That means they are kick-butt hockey players. I was no superstar player in high school - and it's not like I've improved over the past few years. Well, it was an intense workout for sure -in fact, I haven't sweat that much in long time. We play three 20 minute periods and I wanted to croak. haha I am just out of shape to be playing intense field hockey. And the sad part is I do exercise pretty regularly. But I am not doing sprints and diving for balls on a daily basis. So it's just every Tuesday, so I wonder if I'll go next week. I think I pretty much sucked, so I don't know if they would even want me to. But I'm glad I did go and I forgot how much I love the sport. But I can't believe I use to play all the time and be in such good shape. I'm only 24 - this is pathetic. Time to kick it into gear.
-Dining DivaTuesday, July 28, 2009
She's Engaged!!!

...Jillian, that is. From ABC's, The Bachelorette.
What a fantastic season finale. The roomie and I drank a bottle of sangria and ate tostitos with a hint of lime and half-moon cookies to get us through all of the anticipation. When Reid got down on his knee to propose we both freaked out and screamed (our cranky downstairs neighbor probably heard us!) and we were gripping each other's hands and covering our mouths. It was quite dramatic. THEN - she turned him down. Poor guy! And then when Ed proposed, we screamed again! It was so exciting! I love that show. We liked Kiptyn's ring better, but Ed's looked pretty much gorgeous, as well. How exciting! I can't wait to watch tonight's After the Rose episode. Poor Kiptyn, though. I thought for sure she was going to pick him. That's who I would have picked. I loved his zest for life and he lives in San Diego and surfs and loves the ocean! HELLO! Have fun in Chicago with Ed, Jillian. Isn't that where he is from?! But in any case, how freaking exciting. I would love to get a behind-the-scenes look at how the show is created. I know they say there is so much scripting and stage events, but is the love real? I'll just go with yes. But Ed and Jillian must be so excited because now they can be in the public eye together. That must have been so hard to have to kept their love and relationship quiet during the show. What do you all think? How about Ed had those same SHORT GREEN SHORTS on again! EUGH. Again, I would have gone with Kiptyn. I think he is a much better dresser and did you see his BODY?! Oh baby! What do you think Jillian does to get in such good shape for the show? She must have a personal trainer. Why don't they ever have any girls that are like size 8-10 on the show? It would make me feel a little bit better about myself. Ok - what do you all think?!!
Here's a little recap: (
"There is no doubt in my mind that I am madly in love with you," she replied. "I love you so much."
And so down on one knee he went.
"I want to be with you forever," Ed said, offering up his ring. "I want a family with you. I want you to give me a hard time when we're 80 years old. Jillian, will you marry me?"
To make a long story short, she said yes.