Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wine + Dinner + Conversation = Relief

So it's over.   Our big meeting.  I'm really happy it happened and that it went well. 

She said she was sorry and never wants to let something like this happen again.  She said she is going to try to give up being stubborn for her New Year's Resolution.  I am so happy that she said she is very sorry that she has been acting like this and that she hurt me.  I can't tell you what a relief this is for me and how happy I will be to have my sister back.

We had some wine and I relaxed and told her how I felt.  She listened and agreed with me.  Said she was sorry. I told her I accept her apology and just want to move forward.  So does she.  I feel better.

Then we changed the subject and enjoyed a nice dinner together.  We talked about my grandpa's birthday this weekend and what we could do to celebrate.

I'm happy.

Then the BF came over to get the blow by blow report of my dinner.  He's such a good listener.  I love him.

I'm happy tomorrow is Friday!  We have my grandpa's birthday party at my apartment on Saturday and then his work Christmas party Saturday night.  We have lots of fun stuff going on this month!  I'm feeling very blessed today.

Have a great day!

-Dining Diva


  1. My little sis and I haven't fought in a long time, but I hated it when we did. Yay for sisters making up!

  2. Glad to hear that everything went well! I know that makes you feel so much better! Have fun with all your parties this weekend :)

  3. So glad your dinner date when well. It must be a relief for you and your parents. Family drama is by far the worst.


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