Also, I have been having a bad ear ache for a week now and am taking ear drops and they are just not doing the trick. So I am sitting here in pain and can't hear out of my one ear. It's driving me crazy.
In other news, the weather here has finally been great and last week I took a few days off and just spend the entire time at my parent's lake house. The BF came over, too. It was hot and relaxing!
Not too much else is going on. Just busy at work and looking forward to a trip to Lake Tahoe and San Francisco in about a week. The BF is coming with me. I'm excited! I have a lot of planning to do though, such as travel routes, hotels, places to see, etc... I'll be at a conference for work for a few days and then we are going to drive west to Napa Valley and then end at San Francisco. I'm trying to get a rental car from Lake Tahoe airport to SF airport and for one week it's about $600!!! That's more than my flight! So I am still looking for a better deal. Apparently, one-way tickets are much more expensive. What a pain. But I'm still going out and excited to have BF come with me!
Bye bye!
-Dining Diva
Here are a few pictures: I was going to take a picture of the gorgeous bathroom, but I figured there must have been video cameras in there. But the interior was so beautiful. When you walk in, the entrance was hot pink. Love it!
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