Thursday, April 2, 2009

{Birds Are A 'Chirpin}

Normally I would be tired today and not want to get out of bed. (Well, I didn't want to get out of bed at first . . .but then got over it) Anyways, thanks to a shining sun and the sweet sound of chirping birds, I'm happy as a clam on this Thursday morning.

Last night re-cap: I'm so spoiled. I went to the gym after work and then went over to the bf's and by the time I got out of the shower...dinner was cooked and on the table. How nice is that?
It was a marvelous meal with twizzlers for dessert.

Then we watched Seven Pounds and I didn't know what to expect. I probably wouldn't watch it again, unless I wanted to pick up more information the second time around. I cried at the end and was confused throughout the entire movie. Hmm. . .What a giving story...but I needed more background. It felt like a chunk of the movie was missing.

Busy day today!

Stay Sassy!



  1. Sounds like you had a fantastic night with the bf!! Hopefully we can catch up sometime this week/weekend!! Let me know when you are free!! I watched 7 pounds this week as well and wasn't impressed and was confused for a large part of the movie!! Love and miss you dining diva!!

  2. YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED..check out my blog!!


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